Monday, September 14, 2009


Not really... My life has just been hella uneventful lately and you'd be reading blogs about the same old boring shit. HOWEVER! I did make a recent trip to the Long Beach Aquarium lately with Mae. It's something we've been meaning to do and it was a chill day to help get rid of the stresses we've been experiencing lately.

The LBC is an interesting area which, like every other city i'm sure, has a feel to its own. A refreshing combination of the city and beach seen as one.

Upon the arrival there were a shitload of well, you guessed it, fish.

Among the uber amounts of fish, there were random other creatures you'd find in the sea. Some more creepy then others, but hey, we're not all perfect.

About halfway through our trip, there was a section where the visitors were allowed to touch certain crustaceans/seaurchins.

And after searching for so long... We found Nemo.

Lots of Nemos...


lee briones said...

ahhh! ive always wanted to go to an aquarium. is the LB aquarium the same as aquarium of the pacific??

Edible Art said...

great photographs

AndrewOS said...

I always knew Long Beach would have a nice aquarium, I enjoyed those photos

Paul Haney said...

Sweet photos! Especially the last one there.