Arrived in SD around 9:30 but had to wait for Derek to get out of class at noon, so Mike and I chilled in the car and I took some randoms to kill time.

Derek finally got out of class and we walked to his suite only to find him dead tired after pulling an all-nighter to finish an essay that he didn't even complete (typical Derek). We caught up, chilled, jammed, y'know.. the usual.

Later in the day we got off our lazy butts and played some ball, not too long after, Mike knocked out cause he pulled an all-nighter too. I must be missing out on the trend. While he was asleep, Derek and I got a bite to eat at their cafeteria, which has LEGIT food.

Got back to the suite and chilled with his suitemates. Their into fixie bikes (fixed gear road bikes). Basically, bikes that have a fixed gear, instead of being able to pedal and let go. I had already thought about purchasing one myself, but I don't wanna waste ALL of my loan money. They're pretty dope tho, when I have some extra cash ima consider buying on of my own.

Some more randoms.

After chilling and talking about whatever, his suitemates decide to bust out some hookah. It smelled funny, but it's interesting. They spent almost all of their time to get a hookah bubble going. They got soap and placed it around a pre-cut water bottle. After taking in a hit, you blow into the water bottle and the soap will catch the smoke, creating a hookah bubble. Took them forever to get it, but they called me over when they finally did cause they wanted a picture.

Later that night, we hit up a party and had good clean fun (no pictures). I didn't want something to happen to my baby, I mean camera, so I decided to not bring it. We got home around 3 and knocked out til tmr afternoon. Derek still sleeps with his eyes open.

Woke up around noon-ish and had one of the best jam sessions I've had with Derek in a while. Learned some new stuff and dusted off some old. Time flies when you jam cause next thing we knew, it was 4. We packed up our shit and it was time to head back to Rancho. All in all, it was a fun visit, that I'd be down to do again, anytime. I miss Derek like crazy son. So how was San Diego Derek? "fken chill". I must concur.

I'm addicted to Aaliyah's Album

Aw, I love San Diego (:
And Froi sleeps with his eyes open too -_-x
The family wished you were there with us on Friday night and Saturday morning, but I hope you had a great time in SD, which by the looks of it.. you did. [: Can't wait to see you tonight!
I wish I had time for day trips like that. Hahaha. I still love looking at all the pretty little artistic pictures your Nikon makes. Totally beautiful. Hahah.
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