Saturday, May 23, 2009


I can't remember the last time where there was a day when I had nothing planned. It felt kinda nice to wake up and not have to worry about, "OH SHIT I'M LATE!" or "slkadjflak;sjdf". Definitely a productive day in getting random shit done. I've been twittering lately too so I guess that's a sign as well. Onto a random note tho, what's with all the hype around tumblr?

Anyways, today I updated my ipod.

Did some laundry.

Fought my sickness by resting and drinking this.

And washed the cizzur.

I wish I had more days like these.


Mae Herco. said...

Nice song on play (:

kl0v3 said...

Pineapple, orange, banana is not good for your sickness! Haha silly boy!