Okay so I realize that I haven't blogged in 2387498 years, but its cause internet at my mom's has been shitty and I have no internet whatsoever at my Dad's. So this blog goes back to the 13th (2 Saturdays ago), the Barkada Modern Christmas party. Over time, I've come to realize that I've gotten closer to these guys than I could've ever imagined. The inside jokes that we have are endless, and with most of these people I can talk about anything with. I had a great time with these guys this night and despite the annoying late hours I've spent with them during hell week and literally the blood, sweat, and tears that we've put into our choreo, I LOVE them, and it'd be pretty hard to imagine life without them.
The party was in Arcadia so the car ride took forevaa. Paul and Robbie fell asleep on the way.

We had to drop by Walnut to get Jasmine and then had to help frost the cake she made.
"Jasmine you're taking forever..."

And so secret santa began.

Some of us got lucky under the mistletoe...

and others, drunk.


Yay singing.

GROUP PHOTO! (lol byron)

some photography courtesy of
HEY LOOK WE BOTH BLOGGED TODAY!ahha cute! cute! But your blog made me really happy right now karl. I'm glad you can't see yourself without us. I totally feel you on that fsure. [:
u didn't double post!!!
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