Yes. It is. Anyways, the fair was a nice treat yesterday after experiencing the first day of my college career (my last post lol). So we arrived to the fair as dusk was slowly approaching, breathing in the atmosphere, and looking at the stupidly over-priced food. The afternoon started off with one of William's friends making a basket to win a penguin of his, but later made it's way to the food and I ate the best polish dog ever. Sauerkraut, onions, the works... After walking around for a little my dad makes a mission to find funnel cakes, and about 10 steps later, we found it lol. Funnel cake pwns by the way. Night came along and bright lights came shining down as we journeyed through the packed walkways, obnoxious customers, and annoying salesmen until we came to a ring-toss type game. Anyways, we used our last tickets on this game cause we wanted to get our moneys worth, and we were given a tray-full of rings to toss and try to make it upon a coke bottle. Kwok, William's friend, took one and said, "Just one lang". He threw it and "OHHHHHH!" he won the freaking huge parrot that you see in the picture up there ^^^ and now just sits in the closet at my dad's. That made our night cause after that we couldn't stop laughing about it and that was pretty much my night...
So Dom was supposed to say stuff here but he's now leaving for his house lol nvm he's thinking about it now... and hugging me g'bye haha.
LOL so i get a knock one more time and Dom's there... looking confused and slightly pissed, he says, "Did i leave me keys here? Or in Derek's car?" hahahaha keep in mind Derek left about an hour ago.
So now he's here thinking what to do.
Hello. (This is Dom) Yea...soo...it's confirmed. they're in Derek's car...i haven't told him that yet. i probably should. i don't know how to get home. haha. uhmm...Karl is pooping. I just called Derek back and uh...told him. haha. You can tell that im the one writing now just cuz of the way I type. I just thought I'd point that out even though you probably already know that. So yea...need a ride home... (It's 12:17am, and you are loved.)
K so.. (Karl) I think ima just take Dom to Derek's then come back here for him to get his car. I LOOOOOVE KARL! (Dom)
haha what an interesting night. G'nite Yall.